Joyjili Privacy Policy

At Joyjili Privacy Policy, we prioritize your privacy and the security of all data on our platform. Given the increasing threats of data breaches and personal data theft, we commit to protecting your information with the highest standards.

We secure all sensitive information using 128-bit SSL encryption and store it in secure locations. Additionally, we collect only the information necessary for identity verification and age confirmation, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy: Website Information

At Joyjili, we do not allow any party to copy, modify, reissue, distribute, or use our content without our express written consent. This policy prevents unauthorized use of company data and protects our brand integrity.

Only users can modify their personal information collected on our platform. We do not permit third parties, whether within or outside the company, to access or alter user information without authorization. Consequently, this policy ensures strict user control and privacy.

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Privacy Policy: User Data Collected

During registration and account verification, we collect the following user information:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Mobile Number
  • Full Name
  • Birthday
  • Bank Account

We require bank account information only for real money withdrawals, and we do not collect PINs. Verification is completed via mobile, so we do not require email addresses.

To secure their accounts, we advise players to practice due diligence and avoid reusing passwords across multiple platforms. Breaches on other platforms can impact your Joyjili account.

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How Joyjili Uses Collected Data

Joyjili uses collected information solely for account setup, identity verification, and facilitating smooth transactions. We coordinate with financial institutions only for real money withdrawals, thus ensuring your personal information remains protected from third parties.

Additionally, we collect data to prevent unauthorized access, including by underage individuals and blacklisted players.

Privacy Policy: How Joyjili Protects Data

Joyjili employs 128-bit SSL encryption, firewalls, and strict access control to protect user data and company information. These measures prevent internal data leaks and make it difficult for hackers to access casino information.

In the event of a data breach, Joyjili will promptly inform users, allowing them to change passwords and secure their accounts. Since we do not collect PINs, users should never share their PIN or OTP to protect their funds.

Joyjili Casino is committed to maintaining the security of all data and protecting it from unauthorized access and misuse.